UK Hair Transplant Surgeon Takes Stand – “You’re Too Young For a Hair Transplant”

Posted by Rob Beale on Mon, Nov 23, 2009 @ 11:54 AM

Dr. Farjo, currently the UK’s leading hair transplant surgeon, is calling for appropriate age restrictions after seeing a disturbing trend of teenage boys wanting to undergo hair transplantation.

Dr. Farjo’s clinic receives calls from the parents of boys as young as 16 years old who desperately want to help their child restore their receding hairlines, but Dr. Farjo thinks it’s the responsibility of the professionals to better educate these families and to “just say no.”

Dr Farjo explained:”Hair loss can be quite unpredictable in its early stages, with the full extent of loss difficult to determine in men under the age of 30. Men under this age should consider taking preventative drugs such as propecia, in an effort to slow down or stop their hair loss. However, a few online sources and commercial clinics are encouraging very young men to consider surgery to restore both their follicles and self-esteem.”

He added, “Surgery may improve the hairline of very young men in the short term; however, if further hair loss occurs they could find themselves with inconsistent coverage, giving them a ‘patchy’ look.”

In recent years Evolution Hair Centers have seen an increasing number of men in their early 20's that have had transplants in their late teens prior to starting laser treatments.  This is a growing concern and a trend among young men that are receiving bad advice from so called experts.  Most of those individuals not only had the surgery but spent thousands of dollars on treatments that could've been avoided. If you are interested in learning more on this subject please contact us at 480.222.4247.  

To read the article in full please go here.


Tags: follicles, Hair Growth, Evolution Hair Centers, Rogaine, androgenetic alopecia, baldness, Hair Loss Drugs, Transplants, Hair Loss Industry, Hair Loss Treatment News, Hair Loss, Propecia, Announcements

America's Healthiest and Unhealthiest States

Posted by Rob Beale on Tue, Nov 17, 2009 @ 02:46 PM

It's that time of year of again....The Annual National rankings published by the United Health Foundation lists the healthiest and unhealthiest states.  The foundation looks at 22 indicators of health, including everything from obesity and smoking rates, to cancer deaths.

To see where your state ranks go here

Remember that the condition or your hair can tell a lot about your health, make sure you're eating a well balanced diet and getting plenty of exercise. 


Tags: follicles, scalp cleanse, shampoo, la looks, unhealthiest states, Hair Growth, Pattern hair loss, 2009, nutrition, Hair loss causes, toxins, androgenetic alopecia, Minoxidil, william gaunitz, scalp, Health and Beauty, Product Information, Hair Loss Diet, Evolution Store, Healthiest States, Hair Loss, Announcements