What used to be a “men’s condition” is now quickly becoming a female epidemic. It is scary to think that you could randomly wake up one day and begin to see more hair on the pillow case and less on your head. For women losing their hair, it is a serious blow to femininity and the […]
androgenetic alopecia
UK Hair Transplant Surgeon Takes Stand – “You’re Too Young For a Hair Transplant”
Dr. Farjo, currently the UK’s leading hair transplant surgeon, is calling for appropriate age restrictions after seeing a disturbing trend of teenage boys wanting to undergo hair transplantation. Dr. Farjo’s clinic receives calls from the parents of boys as young as 16 years old who desperately want to help their child restore their receding hairlines, […]
America’s Healthiest and Unhealthiest States
It’s that time of year of again….The Annual National rankings published by the United Health Foundation lists the healthiest and unhealthiest states. The foundation looks at 22 indicators of health, including everything from obesity and smoking rates, to cancer deaths. To see where your state ranks go here Remember that the condition or your hair can […]
Can Marijuana Cause Hair Loss?
I’ve been answering a lot of questions lately about smoking marijuana and the effects it can have on adrogenetic alopecia. Simply put, can marijuana cause hair loss? Fortunetly not, but it can aggravate such medical conditions such as alopecia areata (bald spots on the scalp). Smoking marijuana habitually can cause a general loss of […]

Ovation Hair Alternative Review Study
In march of 2009, I reviewed the Ovation Hair Product Line and posted the my findings on this blog. Since then, many of you have commented on your disappointment in regard to the lack of results with the Ovation Products. In April of this year, I set out to find a product line that could deliver […]
Men’s Hair Loss: The Norwood Scale
The following from The American Hair Loss Association, is the norwood scale, the best way to determine your hair loss pattern and to be able to communicate via email or telephone to a hair loss specialist.