Platelet Rich Plasma for Hair Loss?

Posted by William Gaunitz on Tue, Aug 30, 2016 @ 07:30 AM

Whether it’s genetic, due to an underlying medical disorder, dietary deficiency, stress, or simply poor hair care; hair loss is a major concern these days.

In a world of so many hair loss treatment options, PRP is becoming increasing popular as celebrities and physicians are using it more and more to improve hair density and reverse the impact of thinning hair. Find a PRP Medical Center

Platelet Rich Plasma has already been used for many years by sportsmen like Tiger Woods and Rafael Nadal to treat chronic injuries and sprains. But now PRP therapy has been shown success in the hair loss arena as well.  Let us throw some light on what the therapy is and how it can help.

What is PRP?

PRP, platelet rich plasma, autologous platelet gel, platelet concentrate (PC) Platelet_Rich_Plasma_draw_for_hair_growth.jpgand plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF) are all names for an extremely effective and therapeutic option that has long been used to encourage healing of muscle, ligament and tendon injuries.

You’ve heard the name PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma, but what is it? It’s a product of your very own blood and is critical to blood clotting.

Blood contains the major components;

  • Plasma
  • Red blood cells
  • White blood cells
  • Platelets

To explain, the term ‘platelet rich plasma’ means blood plasma richer in platelets as compared to normal/usual blood, which naturally makes it richer in growth factors by 5-10 times. Healthy blood has cell ratios of around 6% platelets; however platelet rich plasma has a concentration of 94%.

Platelets play a key role in hemostasis and are a natural source of growth factors [1]. Here’s the list;

  • Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
  • Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)
  • Platelet-derived angiogenic factor (PDAF)
  • Transforming growth factors (TGF-beta)
  • Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)

Bottom line: PRP is the autologous blood with above-baseline concentration of platelets as well as at least seven growth factors (responsible for the PRP therapeutic effect). 

History of Platelet Rich Plasma

Growth factors have been in discussion since 1900’s, with the PRP therapy’s use reported as early as 1970’s. Around the year 2000, the treatment extended to orthopedics, with the first ever successful human study claiming a positive role of PRP in chronic tendon issues.

With advancement in technology and smaller more portable machines available, physicians can now create a PRP from a small sample of patient’s blood. Further clinical studies are now being conducted to establish the role of therapy in various aspects.

One such study reported a significant reduction in hair loss in a team of eleven patients suffering from androgenic alopecia related hair loss resistant to treatment with minoxidil and finasteride. After the fourth session, 9 out of 11 patients showed improvement in hair growth. 

How is the PRP used?

The procedure of using PRP for hair loss is as simple. The 20- minute procedure involving the following steps results has shown excellent results for thousands of patients;

  • Patient’s blood is drawn while scalp is being numbed
  • Blood is centrifuged till it separates into three layers (Platelet Poor Plasma, Platelet Rich Plasma, and Red/White blood cells.)
  • Hard spin/first spin separates  platelet poor plasma from the red fraction and PRP
  • Soft spin/second spin separates red fraction and PRP depositing latter at the bottom of the tube
  • In some cases before application, an activator (topical bovine thrombin and 10% calcium chloride) is added to elicit the clotting cascade, and resulting in the formation of platelet gel.
  • the PRP at a concentration of 3-5 times is injected into the scalp at various and specific points using a fine needle.
  • additional micro needling the area after injection of PRP how shown to improve results.

Bottom line: the treatment has a lack of adverse reactions and totally natural looking results. 

How does it Work? How does the therapy trigger hair growth?

Apart from the factors mentioned, platelets tend to secrete/release a number of substances that also aid in wound healing and other regenerative processes. The growth factors activate stem cells in the bulge area of follicles, encourage the growth of existing hair, as well as the encourage the formation of microvascular networks improving circulation and eventually providing with the nutrients required for hair growth. 

Is PRP Therapy Effective?

 YES,  PRP has shown promise for hair loss, but clinical studies have proven the effectiveness of the therapy in several other aspects,such as:

  • PRP is most effective in chronic tendon injuries
  • Acute sports injuries involving muscles and ligaments
  • During certain surgeries to encourage healing
  • Enhances bone regeneration [2] 

Benefits of PRP for Hair lossPRP_for_hair_loss_2.jpg

PRP therapy for hair loss has gained immense popularity recently due to the following benefits:

  • A non-invasive technique, no down time
  • Autologous (it’s your own blood)
  • Minimal adverse reactions (chances of developing adverse reactions is less because it’s your own blood)
  • Usual shows result in as little as 3-4 months
  • Very quick procedure lasting less than one hour

Typically 2-3 sessions are performed in the desired area within the 4- 6 months. Then booster treatments are performed every six months to one year thereafter.  Other hair loss treatment therapies like LLLT, minoxidil, nutritional supplements can be added for even better results. 

Who is a Candidate?

For individuals with less than ten years of hair loss or those who have thinning hair from androgenic alopecia, are going to be the best candidates.  (male pattern baldness) [3]. 

Where to get the PRP Procedure? 

To learn more and to find out if you are a candidate for PRP for Hair Loss Treatment, call Evolution Hair Loss Institute at 480-222-4247 for your free consultation.

Evolution Hair Loss Institute offers the latest in PRP for hair loss along with Low-Level Laser Therapy for maximum results. All PRP procedures are performed by Dr. Brooke Blumetti DO, Board Certified Dermatologist.

Fly-in packages are available for those who do not live in the Phoenix metro area.

Tags: platelet rich plasma, prp, prp hair loss

Laser Hair Therapy and How to Use it Correctly for Hair Growth: Presented by William Gaunitz, WTS

Posted by William Gaunitz on Fri, Jul 29, 2016 @ 12:22 PM


William Gaunitz speaks in Chicago Illinois at the International Association of Trichology Conference 2016. William spoke about the use of low-level laser therapy for hair growth as well as best practices to ensure the highest quality of end result.

William also discusses overstimulation and risks of laser as well as use of product, detoxification, and minoxidil to improve the results of laser hair growth.

This 30 minute video is extremely educational and takes the reviewer through a history of low-level laser therapy devices in the United States. If you are interested in learning more about the level laser therapy for hair regrowth, you should watch this video and it's entirety.

To learn more or to hair a consultation regarding Low Level Laser Therapy for hair growth, Book a Free Consultation

Tags: LaserCap, Overstimulation, william gaunitz, Laser Hair Therapy, instructional videos, laser hair growth

Does the iGrow Laser Work? Explained by Trichologist William Gaunitz

Posted by William Gaunitz on Mon, May 16, 2016 @ 01:00 PM


Transcription for iGrow Laser Reviewed and Explanation video:

For iGrow Laser Packages mentioned in the video.

Hi. My name is William Gaunitz, founder of Evolution Hair Loss Institute and Advanced Trichology. Today I really want to talk to you about the iGrow laser.

We have been using the iGrow laser now since 2011 for many of our at-home programs. Quite frankly, I think the iGrow laser doesn't get as much credit as it deserves because it has a limited number of diodes and LEDs. There are other devices out there boasting 272 diodes or 224 diodes. More diodes certainly is not the be-all and end-all.

Today the iGrow is probably the most well recognized device in the industry. It is obviously a helmet device for hair regrowth. It operates with exactly 21 diodes and 30 LEDs. The 21 diodes is actually a good number for people who are just beginning to lose hair or individuals with dark coarse hair and those individuals who have not been losing hair for a long period of time basically. If you're losing hair for less than 5 years, you have dark coarse hair, or even a lot of sort of brown or medium brown hair, and again just beginning to lose it, this is a great device because you don't need a tremendous amount of stimulation to get hairs growing. You need the right amount of stimulation. I compare many cases to getting the right amount of energy to like hitting a baseball or hitting a golf ball. It's not more power. It's basically hitting the sweet spot and getting the optimal amount of energy to produce the result, and the iGrow is great for producing that I'd say probably about 70% of the time.

This device basically has a support system of small suction cups up top, 4 of those which actually just basically keep it suspended off of the scalp. There are also these little ear muffs which really are for stability more than anything else. You can't actually listen to music through them, but most of the time people are using them for stability. There are 5 settings on here, 3 men's settings and 2 women's settings. I usually only recommend the maximum settings, and then allow people to dial back the time as usual. The average person I recommend to use 20 minutes twice weekly to start, then normally after 90 days, you can increase it to 25 minutes twice weekly. Then if after a year or so you have used it and really haven't had optimal results, or have had optimal results and you need to take it up a notch, then you take it up to 3 times weekly.

I've used this protocol in conjunction with all of our products very, very successfully, and it is the most FDA-approved laser, meaning iGrow has 2 FDA clearances, one for men and one for women, based upon their own research. This is totally unique to every other at-home device that is a helmet. This is based upon their own clinical research, their own evidence that it works, and quite frankly after using it in practice for nearly 5 years now, I know it works. It's what I recommend continuously.

When you're using this, it's very, very simple. You simply power this on, simply hit this little power button, and then you will touch one of the heads, either male or female. I'm going to go ahead and hit the male, which is going to turn this on for 25 minutes. The lights are illuminated. There is a static beam and there is a pulsing beam going on in this. These are going to provide different levels of stimulation. Additionally, when you're done, it simply turns off, which is a very nice feature of this. It is wired, so obviously you need to be near a power outlet.

Again, this device in my opinion for about 70% of the people who use it, especially those with dark hair and dark skin, but also those who have not been losing hair for a long period of time, definitely less than 5 years, they will do very, very well with this device. I always stress it to be used in conjunction with all the right products, such as our products. Particularly, we have many kits that have the iGrow laser in it, so that all of that can be used successfully.

Please when you're choosing your laser device, know that more is not better. You need the optimal amount of energy to get the best result possible. By doing too much, you will actually either cause shedding or you will diminish results completely. Now also too little is not good, but you need just the right amount. Quite frankly, for 70% of the population, the iGrow is providing just the right amount.

I hope this is informative about this. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call our clinic.

Call 480-222-4247 to reach Evolultion Hair Loss Institute


For additional articles on this topic:

 iGrow Laser Reviewed


Tags: igrow laser, Trichologist, instructional videos, does igrow laser work, laser hair growth

Capillus 272 Laser Reviewed

Posted by William Gaunitz on Tue, Sep 22, 2015 @ 10:09 AM

I first heard of the Capillus 272 Laser Cap about three years ago. This device was the new competitive device that was directly competing against the LCPRO LaserCap by Transdermal Cap.

The Capillus 272 had only one clear design difference and one clear guarantee difference. Design: it had 48 more pulsed laser diodes (272 diodes) than the LaserCap (224 diodes) and was supposedly more effective because of the extra diodes.

In my experience, this is simply untrue. As you will see below-- and as many people have discovered first hand-- 
more lasers are 

Capillus 272 Hair LaserNOT necessarily better when trying to regrow hair

Guarantee: the Capillus 272 has NO moneyback guarantee. All sales are final. Compare that against the LC Pro LaserCap that has a one year moneyback guarantee.

Having been present in the LLLT industry since its foundation in the U.S. I have seen thousands of people grow hair with a wide range of laser devices of varying strengths including the LaserCap, iGrow Laser, and our Clinical ER610 Laser. Clinically, some of the most amazing results I have witnessed have been accomplished using a clinical device with only 30-60 static (non-pulsed) diodes. The key to getting great results for the average person with LLLT is not using more diodes, it is using the right laser, for the right situation, with the right treatment protocol.

Conversely, I have also seen many people lose hair as a direct result of using a low-level laser device (like the Capillus272) with too much energy. The excessive energy delivered to the scalp can lead to overstimulation that can result in rapid shedding, scalp tenderness, and trauma to the scalp. It can take 6-12 weeks in some cases to stabilize the scalp condition and stop shedding caused by overstimulation. This phenomenon seems to be a stress response called Anagen Effluvium caused by excessive energy stimulation to the scalp.   Capillis-82-CTA.png

In my experience, the Capillus 272 Laser Device has too many diodes to be effective for normal hair loss. In addition, it can result in dramatic and unnecessary shedding when used as described by the manufacturer (30 minutes every other day). There is no documented clinical evidence that the extra 48 lasers provide a superior result. It is my belief that this is simply a marketing tactic to mislead uneducated consumers into thinking the Capillus272 device has a greater value than other devices with the same price point.

For those who are interested in a high-diode device, my only recommendation is the LC PRO LaserCap. This device contains only 224 pulsed diodes and should reduce the risk of overstimulation and improve the end result (when used with proper protocol). My recommended usage instructions for the LCPRO LaserCap

begin with using the device for only 5 minutes twice weekly to start, and increasing one minute per application per month for six months. See my LaserCap Review for full details)

People who CAN be a candidate for high powered devices like the LC PRO LaserCap or Capillus272 are:
•    Men and women suffering from long term hair loss in excess of 10-15 years
•    Men and women who have always had very fine hair
•    Men and women with lightly-colored hair, such as natural blond hair and light brown hair.

People who should NEVER use high-powered devices:
•    Men and women with dark pigmentation in their skin such as African Americans or people of Hispanic descent.  There is only one device recommended for these skin types, and that is the Capillus82 which is 3.25x less powerful than the Capillus272.
•    Men and women with only short term hair loss that have thick, dark, coarse hair.  

Hair Loss Ebook Download Now

More about the Capillus Company:

The Capillus device was created by Carlos Pina, former head of marketing for the LaserCap company during its formation. Pina then severed ties and started his own company, Capillus, in 2011.
Pina's marketing skill is apparent; the Capillus now has a huge industry presence and is carried by many physicians. He was also able to get FDA clearance before other competitive devices by completing clinical studies and other regulatory steps in the primary phase

The Capillus272 At-Home Low Level Laser Therapy Device specs are:

  • Manufactured in Miami, Florida.
  • Contains 272 Laser Diodes
  • 5mw per diode
  • 650 nanometer wavelength
  • Battery-Operated with Rechargeable Battery Pack
  • FDA 510K Market Clearance for Androgenetic Alopecia in Women and Skin Phototypes I to IV (this does NOT include African Americans or ethnicities with brown skin)

Bottom Line

Although I have respect for their CEO, the Capillus272 Laser Device is simply too powerful to benefit most people in the long term. If you are looking for a laser device to treat hair loss, you can follow this general rule:

  • For light hair and light skin, use the LCPRO LaserCap starting at 5 minutes per use, twice weekly.
  • For darker or course or brown skin tones, use the Capillus82 for 15-20 minutes, twice weekly

If you have additional questions about what hair loss treatment is right for you, feel free to contact us at for a phone consultation.


Evolution Hair Loss Institute and Advanced Trichology

480-222-4247 Monday-Friday

Watch William Gaunitz's Discussion on Laser Therapy for Hair Loss - IAT 2016

Hair Loss Treatment Success at the Phoenix Evolution Hair Loss Institute in 9 Months!

Posted by William Gaunitz on Fri, Aug 08, 2014 @ 12:28 PM

In the Evolution Hair Loss Institute in Tempe / Phoenix Arizona, client Justin received amazing treatment success after only 9 months on the Evolution Hair Regrowth Treatment Program. See his results below or call the clinic for a free consultation for your own hair loss treatment needs at 480-222-4247.

phoenix hair loss treatment before and after

Evolution Hair Loss Institute is based in Phoenix Arizona. Since 2002 Evolution Hair Loss Institute has been regrowing hair under the guidence of Trichologist William Gaunitz.

Tags: Latest Success in Hair Loss Treatment, treatment, phoenix hair loss, Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Loss, Phoenix, Before and After