Accutane Hair Loss: Why does it happen and what can I do about it?
Accutane Hair Loss is a common side effect of the drug Accutane (chemical name isotretinoin) prescribed for Acne. Despite this, Accutane is one of the most widely used acne medications available. It can be hefty price to pay for beautiful skin. Do you want to keep your hair or get rid of acne? This is a serious factor to consider when choosing to use the drug.
Will my hair grow back?
In many cases your hair will grow back naturally. But if you have pattern hair loss in your family, either on your mother’s of father side, the hair loss may be permanent. The reason this occurs is that your body will not invest the resources to rebuild damaged hair follicles that are already predetermined to fall out in the future from androgenetic alopecia. This happens with other drugs and medical treatments including chemotherapy.
Addtional Accutane contains high levels of Vitamin A. And with prolong use; many people can develop Vitamin A sensitivity or allergy. High levels of vitamin A are tough on the liver and allergic reactions over time can be commonplace. The additional inflammation caused by this allergy can lead to more hair loss. Sometimes the quality of the hair is damaged. Hair becomes lighter and finer throughout the scalp. In many cases breakage and a shortening of the follicles growth cycle becomes a problem.
It is hard to hard to know if you will lose hair when taking Accutane. But if it does happen to you there is a solution…
Treatment Options:
I have personally treated many people with Accutane related hair loss. There are couple steps to take once you have stopped the drug to reverse the damage. Yes, it works and very well.
Step 1: Quick Round of Liver Detox
Due to the fact that Vitamin A impacts the liver, you want to first cleanse the liver and boost the immune system. I recommend the Evolution Liver Detox Tea and Bentonite Detox to achieve this. It takes one month and can be used with other products without discomfort. I recommend to do this again six months after the first Detox simply to keep the system cleansed.
Step 2: Topical Hair Growth Stimulus
You need to use something to “kick start” or restimulate the hair follicles after the damage caused by Accutane. Minoxidil is good product for this. But in many cases, people with Accutane related hair loss have developed very sensitive skin. Because of this they need to use something that is powerful, but is also gentle enough for the recovering health of the scalp. I recommend our HairStem topicals or HairStem kit for this portion of the treatment. It is used once daily at night before bed and has been consistently used very successfully for the recovery of Accutane related hair loss.
Step 3: For more advanced recovery, Low Level Laser Therapy for Hair Growth
If you are looking to recover as much hair as possible, Low Level Laser Therapy for hair loss is a good solution. Laser can help restore proper blood flow and nutrient supply to the areas of loss. I would recommend this for people who have had severe loss due to Accutane. This very effective when used with the Detox and Topical Therapies. I would not recommend laser alone when treating Accutane related hair loss. Your immune system and liver health should be restored prior to any immuno-stimulus provided from laser treatment.
Learn More about the Advanced Trichology Acctuane Hair Loss Recovery Kit.
Or You may also book a phone consultation with William Gaunitz for more in-depth personal analysis.