Having Hair Loss after a Baby? Postpartum Hair Loss and New Set of Products to Fix it. 

Posted by Carrie Cedermark on Wed, Feb 07, 2018 @ 04:59 PM

Postpartum hair loss is the sudden shedding and l

oss of hair around three months after giving birth. So you've had a successful childbirth. But now you've noticed clumps of your hair falling out! You begin to wonder if this is the affect of the stress of the pregnancy, or giving birth, or now of taking care of your baby. Or are you just going bald?!  

Yes, your hair loss is definitely caused by the trauma of giving birth and changes caused by your pregnancy. However, this type of hair loss is treatment and is unlikely to be permanent when you take the right steps.   

Many women who are Postpartum end up with some type of hair loss. Postpartum hair loss normally occurs 8 weeks after giving birth and will continue on going as much as 6-9 months afterward. On top of that, women who are in their 30’s and have actual genetic hair loss in the family, can oftentimes have permanent issues with postpartum hair loss unless treated.   

Why Postpartum Hair Loss Occurs 

  • Dramatic changes in hormone level, especially estrogen, is the biggest reason for your pregnancy hair changes and postpartum hair loss. 
  • Second to this is nutritional deficiency associated with the mother's increased nutritional demands in this postpartum stage of life.


Estrogen and Your Hair 

Hair grows in three different stages: 

  • The Anagen phase or the Growing stage which lasts for several years
  • The Catagen phase or the Resting phase which lasts for 2 weeks
  • The Telogen phase or Shedding stage which lasts for a 6-8 weeks


Studies shows that the estrogen hormone not only protects against hair loss, but also stimulates thicker hair growth. Estrogen can actually lengthen the growth phase so more hair is growing any given time.  

During pregnancy, your estrogen levels are going to be 50 - 100x greater than normal.

This higher concentration give women hair that is thicker, healthier and more plentiful than usual. 

Low Estrogen Levels and Postpartum Hair Loss  

Then what happens after childbirth, especially if you're breastfeeding, is that your estrogen levels drop from 50 - 100x normal level to low, lower than normal, because when breastfeeding, the hormone Prolactin, is produced mainly to help women produce milk after childbirth and suppresses your estrogen level.  The reduced level of estrogen hormone tends to cause hair loss.  

When the estrogen hormone levels drop, the hair follicles fall under the influence of the male sex hormone or the testosterone, or primarily its derivative DHT. This then causes the shortening of the growth phase of hair and subsequently noticeable hair loss. This is also known Androgenetic Alopecia or female-pattern hair loss.  

Additionally, the dramatic drop in estrogen can also trigger a traumatic hair loss response known as Telogen Effluvium. Telogen Effluvium is stress shed that normally lasts up to 6-9 months from the onset of drastic shedding. Telogen Effluvium will usually naturally grow back on its own unless there is female pattern hair loss present. In that case, you must treat the female hair loss to hair growing back normally again.  

Nutrition and Your Hair 

The nutritional requirements of mothers change dramatically going from pregnancy to now postpartum.  Especially when you're breastfeeding, the demands on your body are now extraordinary. 

Nutritional deficiency and Post Pregnancy Hair Loss 

Insufficient caloric intake as well as deficiency in these nutritional components can lead to hair loss:

  • Vitamin D  - Low serum levels of Vitamin D are associated with female hair loss. You can get Vitamin D from the sun, but you can also receive it from fortified food sources. 
  • Iron - Low serum ferritin levels have been linked to increased rates of hair loss. Iron is an important nutrient in restoring hair growth and preventing shedding.
  • Biotin - As an essential B vitamin (B7), biotin acts as a cofactor in the body for a variety of metabolic reactions including the formation of various proteins and amino acids.
  • Minerals - Copper, magnesium, selenium and zinc are just some of the minerals that help to maintain hair health and aid in the ability of our hair to function properly. 

So as you can see, a well-balanced diet postpartum is crucial for overall health and well being, but becomes particularly important for hair health.    


Dealing with Postpartum Hair Loss  

Postpartum hair loss is often traumatic and stressful. But there are things that you can do about it.

Yes, you can reverse hair loss after having a baby and cause your hair to regrow rather quickly when you have treated all the causes of the loss.  

Here's how:   

  • Consume a Complete Hair Vitamin - FoliGrowth Ultimate

Your nutritional requirements have changed dramatically from pregnancy to post partum hair loss vitamin.jpgnow, postpartum.  Again, if you're breastfeeding, your demands on your body is extraordinary.  

Low vitamin nutrient bio availability is often an exacerbating factor to post-partum hair loss. It is important to take an complete multivitamin specifically for the hair, skin and immune system that can provide the nutrients necessary to get hair growing properly again.   

The FoliGrowth Ultimate Hair Vitamin is a Post Partum Hair Vitamin by Advanced Trichology is a perfect vitamin not only to begin to protect your hair, but also as a complete multivitamin. It contains optimal levels of Vitamin D, Iron, B vitamins, and other detoxifying agents necessary for hair growth and health. This coupled with the Nutraviv creates the optimal environment for regrowth.


  • Use a Natural Topical DHT Blocker - Nutraviv Scalp Serum 

Because there is a drop of estrogen to lower than normal levels with Nutraviv-240-1.pngpostpartum women it is important to find a way to block DHT on the scalp to help prevent hair loss. DHT, a derivative of testosterone, shrinks hair follicles making hairs susceptible shrinking and falling out.  

Postpartum breest feeding mothers can't take any medication internally to DHT so the solution is a topical application on the scalp that can protecti the hair follicles from DHT and is safe for postpartum mothers.  

The Nutraviv Hair Growth Serum is an herbal scalp serum which is topically applied directly to the area of hair loss. This produces optimal results in a short period of time along the frontal and temples area that are converting higher levels of DHT.  

Topical Nutraviv scalp serum has numerous herbs which when applied to the scalp that act like as topical DHT blockers. Because it a topical application, it's perfectly safe for breastfeeding mothers. Just take note to always wash your hands after applying the formula and before contact with the baby. Effects normally will occur within 6-8 weeks of daily use.  

You don't have to use it forever, but it is ideal for the first 6 months to one year after giving birth to get your hair back on track.  


Postpartum hair loss is very common and is caused by a drop in estrogen levels and nutritional deficiency that naturally occurs postpartum.  

There are solutions that are effective and safe. Learn more about the FoliGrowth Vitamin and Topical Nutraviv Scalp Serum in Postpartum Hair Loss Treatment Kit 

Or both products are available on Amazon.

For more solutions for postpartum hair loss or a free phone consultation with hair loss expert William Gaunitz WTS, go to Evolution Hair Loss Institute.

Tags: women hair loss, post partum, having hair loss after baby, hair falling out after pregnancy, post pregnancy hair loss, postpartum alopecia, postpartum hair loss vitamins

Hair Loss – Menopause’s Dirty Little Secret and How to Fix it

Posted by Kelly Nipper WTS on Tue, Mar 28, 2017 @ 07:25 AM

Hair loss recovery menopause women web.jpgWe all know that menopause can come with a multitude of not so pleasant symptoms. Women know about hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, weight gain, and lack of energy. Those are commonly talked about and somewhat expected.

For a lot of women though one of the most shocking, traumatic, and sadly least discussed, symptoms of menopause is hair loss. Roughly forty percent of women experience hair loss during or after menopause, and most of the time they are at a complete loss about why it’s happening or what they can do about it. Learn more menopausal hair loss and get free consult from an expert.

Female Pattern Hair Loss and Menopause

Whether it is labeled as female pattern hair loss, hormonal hair loss, or Androgenic Alopecia (the fancy medical term that simply means genetic hair loss), it is all related to one thing: hormones - specifically estrogen and testosterone. To get very specific, hair loss associated with menopause is a genetic sensitivity of the hair follicle to DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, which is what the body converts testosterone into.

This genetic sensitivity can occur anywhere between the frontal hair line and the crown area, and for women usually results in a slow progression of diffuse thinning throughout the area.

But why does it happen during or after menopause?

Because estrogen protects the hair follicles between the frontal hair line and crown area from DHT, and estrogen levels significantly decline during menopause and after. More simply, women lose their “estrogen buffer.” After puberty and up to their mid-thirties, women have relatively high levels of estrogen and much lower levels of testosterone and DHT.

As women get older estrogen levels naturally begin to decline, while testosterone levels generally stay the same. If a woman has the genetic trait for DHT sensitivity, depending on how sensitive her hair follicles are, menopause is usually the time she starts to notice thinning.

For most women, it is a gradual process not usually accompanied by an increased amount of shedding. For some women, however, especially those whose doctors put them on hormone replacement therapy with testosterone included, the thinning can be rapid and very traumatic.

It is at this point when women start to notice a difference in the volume of their hair, and many of them start to feel embarrassed, ashamed, self-conscious, or hopeless that there is anything they can do to reverse the unexpected onslaught of hair loss.

Do not lose hope! There are effective ways to slow down and stop the thinning associated with female pattern hair loss, and achieve regrowth.
For our client’s pattern hair loss, we have found that combining the following therapies provides the most effective regrowth when used correctly:

  • Natural Hormonal Support – Naturally supporting estrogen, through the use of phytoestrogens like black cohosh and evening primrose, safely replaces the “estrogen buffer” to protect hair follicles from DHT. This slows down and stops the thinning process.
  • Topical Scalp Stimulation – To effectively grow new hair and improve the thickness of existing hairs it is important to consistently and continually provide stimulation to keep the follicles working and overcome DHT impact.
  • Low Level Laser Stimulation – Laser stimulation is recommended to increase circulation to the scalp and improve the rate of regrowth by increasing energy production in the cells of the hair follicles.
  • Nutritional Support – A complete multivitamin specific to hair growth is suggested to ensure there are no nutritional deficiencies that may prohibit growth, and provide the hair follicles with all of the necessary components to regrow strong healthy hair.

Learn more about the Evolution Hair Loss Institute program to treat menopausal hair loss or simply call 480-222-4247 to book a consultation.


However, effective hair loss treatment is not a “one size fits all” scenario. In addition to the above recommendations, it is also important to make sure that health or lifestyle is not contributing to loss or thinning, or a lack of healthy regrowth. High stress, poor diet, lack of sleep or exercise, and many prescription medications can have a negative impact on hair health overall. As can illnesses, thyroid imbalances, vitamin deficiencies, and poor scalp conditions.

It is not unusual for women to become overwhelmed about what to do, or how to determine the best course of action. This is where we come in, and it is probably no surprise that over fifty percent of our clients, both in our clinic and around the country, are women.

During a consultation, either in our clinic or over the phone, we look at a woman’s overall health history, family history, and lifestyle to determine what the cause or causes of hair loss are. The majority of the time we recommend some blood tests to rule out thyroid issues, vitamin or iron deficiencies, or high testosterone levels.

Once we have all of the necessary information we can make effective, individualized recommendations to slow down and stop the thinning process and get the fastest amount of regrowth in the shortest amount of time. We have become very familiar with how to effectively treat female pattern hair loss, and women all over the country are having success with our individualized recommended treatment programs.

Call 480-222-4247 to book your free phone or clinical consultation for successful menopausal hair loss today!

Author: Kelly Nipper WTSKelly tricho head shot.jpg
Trichologist with Evolution Hair Loss Institute

USA Office: 480-222-4247

Phone and Clinical Consultation provided Monday - Friday PST.

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Tags: menopause hair loss, menopause, women hair loss